Thursday, October 14, 2004


I have caught a cold- this seems to happen when I get less than six hours of sleep. I get congested around 4 PM, the sore throat kicks in at 6:30 and by 8:30 (it's 8:15 right now) I get a touch of feverish delirium. Last time this happened, I blew my nose into my shirt in the study room at Butler Library. Maybe this time I will take my shoes off and stick them in the drinking fountain.

I think that the Red Sox batters were pressing too hard last night. They knew it was a must-win, they knew that Lieber was hittable and more than anything, they wanted to get a lead for Pedro. The result was that Lieber went into the 7th inning having only thrown 4 pitches.

I also can't stand this meekness on Pedro's account, although I still am considering voting for him for President.



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