Tuesday, October 19, 2004


The heater in my apartment has started to squeak again. So I brought out my humidifier, which solves two problems at once.
a) the gentle humming drowns out the squeaks and clunks
b) the recirculated water vapor helps to keep my skin supple and moist. I woke up with a nosebleed a couple nights ago. That was when I knew it was humidifier time.

For some reason, I slept for 11 and a half hours on Monday night. The Sox game started at 8 and ended at 1:40. I fell asleep at 2 and woke up the next day at 1:30. Then I went to the library and wrote a terrible scene. But really, it was hard to work because the girl across the table from me- she looked vaguely european- kept glaring at me every time I blew my nose. Why didn't she just get up and go to another table?
At 4:15, I was too antsy about Pedro's start to continue writing, so I decided to go to Ollie's to get some Hot and Sour Soup. But once I got inside, I realized that I didn't feel like spending the $1.50, so I ran home instead and ate a bannana. Bannanas are on sale at D'ag Fresh Market for .59 cents a pound. Which isn't as good of a deal as it sounds. It's like.25 cents a bannana. Then I ate a bagel with Temp-Tee cream cheese, which is better than any other whipped cream cheese out there. Although, Philapdelphia seems to be easier with my lactose-intolerant stomach. Then the game came on and 5 hours and 48 minutes later, I realized that I had either been asleep or watching a Sox game for 24 of the past 27 hours.
I have been using Garnier Fructis shampoo for a while now, but I've found that if you keep a bottle for a while in the shower, and it gets exposed to hot water every day, that it starts to get this rotted smell. Like moldy orange peels. I suppose that this is exciting in a way, because it shows that there is some citrus element in there, but it's also gross. I used to use Herbal Essences Volume! but my hair is much longer than it used to be. Although, given my current financial situation, I think I'll be a White Rain man before too long.


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