Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Things I ate today:

half of a $14.99 Game Bucket from KFC, including 6 pieces of Extra Tasty Crispy chicken, 6 honey barbecue wings, a large macaroni, a large cole slaw, 4 biscuits and a 1/2 gallon mega-jug of Orange Slice.
1 bannana
1 bagel w/ cream cheese
2 grape leaves
2 cups of coffee
2 cups of Tetley English Breakfast Tea
1 small bowl of Beef Chili
a handful of smashed Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips (actually 2 handfuls)

Things I would have eaten today, had I more than $242.01 in my checking account

Large Ranch 1 Fries


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