Saturday, October 23, 2004


Things I ate today:

wheat toast with peanut butter
carne asada burrito
1/2 basket of chips
3 handfuls of Smart Start antioxidant cereal
1 bratwurst w/ mustard
bowl of tapas mushrooms
a couple sweet potato fries

gambling losses: $30 at the Commerce Casino.

Predictions for the World Series

Game 1- Sox win 6-2 (Wake shuts 'em down)
Game 2- Sox win 4-1 (Schilling goes 7 innings, 1 ER on solo shot by Pujols)
Game 3- Cards win 8-3 (Pedro gives up 3 runs in 6 innings, bullpen blows up)
Game 4- Cards win 10-2 (DLowe's head explodes in the 3rd inning)
Game 5- Cards win 3-2 in extra innings
Game 6- Sox win 9-1 (Schilling pitches CG, gives up another solo bomb to Pujols)
Game 7- I refuse to predict the outcome of this game.

Go Sox. I apologize that I am in Los Angeles for games 1, 2 and 3. Will make it up by coming up to Boston for the weekend of Games 6 and 7.


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