Thursday, October 28, 2004

10-26, 10-27

Things I've eaten over the past 2 days:

1 piece of white toast with peanut butter
1 Jet Blue snack pack
1 cranberry juice
1 20 oz coca-cola
6 slices of Pizza Hut Double Layer Pizza with mushroom (about four of these slices came back up the next morning)
1 roast duck and dumpling soup ($6.25! I'm never going back to Ollie's again)
some bread

I have food poisoning. The last time this happened, I passed out in the middle of a screening of Cold Mountain. I was the second most deliriously fucked up person in the room- the first being Phillip Seymour Hoffman, whose introduction of the film went something like this:
"This movie is about the earth and the dirt, the dirt that we live in and the dirt that is around us. Nicole Kidman is like a planet in this movie, really by the end, she's so beautiful that she's more like a planet than a person..."
I'm pretty sure that was it verbatim. But at the time, I was honestly seeing these pale green blobs on the screen. Perhaps they were the ghosts of the VietCong sent by the cooks at Monsoon Vietnamese REstaurant- the fucking place that poisoned me. You can see my restaurant review of the place here.


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