Sunday, March 06, 2005

Fridays on tilt

I am too tired to detail my hands or the relatively large swings I endured during my 3 hours at the club this past Friday night, but I'll just say that I have never seen so many bad beats at a table. Thankfully, none of them happened at my expense, but there is a strange feeling one gets when he watches good players get busted out of great hands by a gut-shot or a 2 outer on the river played by some moron degenerate gambler. A string of bad beats at a table usually makes me bet bigger, to try to chase away any sort of draw, but there's only so much one can do when those degenerate gamblers have $900 in front of them and don't hesitate to call any sized bet. Suffice it to say, I went up $250 in the first half hour, bled it down to being down $100 and then rallied to take home a whopping $40, which was enough for the night's drinks.

I've also realized that I am beginning to recognize a lot of the players at the 1/2 tables. I recognized, not counting the dealers, at least 10 different people from my previous trips to the club. I imagine they play 5 or 6 nights a week, passing money back and forth between them.


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