Monday, November 15, 2004


Last night after a disastrous Arts Students versus Film Students basketball game, I decided to try using a hair conditioner. There has been a bottle in my shower forever and I put it to good use, following the instructions to the letter.

When I woke up this morning, I found that my hair had more volume than usual and that there was an extra shine.

Then I did some work. And then I thought about going to eat lunch at the Rice and Beans shop down the street, but $4 seemed better spent elsewhere. I cooked some fancy ramen instead and watched Divorce Court. Some Mexican guy was saying that he should have known better than to marry an El Salvadorean woman because Lorena Bobbit is of El Salvadorean descent. Part 2 of that Divorce Court is on tomorrow and I probably will watch it. Then I went to the library to sign my timesheets.


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