Friday, October 29, 2004


Things I ate today:
2 soup dumplings
about three spoonfulls of beef and brocolli
2 coca colas
1 bottle of pepto-bismol
1 Vitamin Water

Apparently, the people at Menupages won't let you write a restaurant review that says, "I got food poisoning there." My contribution to the discourse on Monsoon Vietnamese Restaurant was erased within ten minutes of posting.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Things I ate today:

BLT sandwich (stayed in my system for less than 10 minutes)
1/2 rotissirie chicken

10-26, 10-27

Things I've eaten over the past 2 days:

1 piece of white toast with peanut butter
1 Jet Blue snack pack
1 cranberry juice
1 20 oz coca-cola
6 slices of Pizza Hut Double Layer Pizza with mushroom (about four of these slices came back up the next morning)
1 roast duck and dumpling soup ($6.25! I'm never going back to Ollie's again)
some bread

I have food poisoning. The last time this happened, I passed out in the middle of a screening of Cold Mountain. I was the second most deliriously fucked up person in the room- the first being Phillip Seymour Hoffman, whose introduction of the film went something like this:
"This movie is about the earth and the dirt, the dirt that we live in and the dirt that is around us. Nicole Kidman is like a planet in this movie, really by the end, she's so beautiful that she's more like a planet than a person..."
I'm pretty sure that was it verbatim. But at the time, I was honestly seeing these pale green blobs on the screen. Perhaps they were the ghosts of the VietCong sent by the cooks at Monsoon Vietnamese REstaurant- the fucking place that poisoned me. You can see my restaurant review of the place here.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Boston is Dead to Me

After survivinig the ordeal of watching Game 1 with 200 Southern California Red Sox fans, I find myself yet another step closer to disavowing my allegiance to Boston sports teams. Although I will never be able to sever myself from the Red Sox, the Celtics and the Patriots have been sacrificed so that the Sox may live on. Unfortunately, I'm running out of corpses and I fear that another 10 years of Sox/Patriots domination will lead to me finally cutting ties and becoming a Mariners fan.

As I have nother half hour before my plane back to New York boards, I will list what is awful about Red Sox Nation
1) the grey, faded hats- also known as the White Power cap.
2) Red Sox visors- especially when they are worn by girls who attend BU or BC
3) Kevin Millar- On a team that features arguably the greatest right-handed hitter since Ted Williams, the new Straw the Stirs the Drink, arguably the most dominant pitcher of all time (over a five year stretch), a Hall of Fame power pitcher, last year's batting champ and a 30 inch tall midget, why is this worthless, strike-out prone numpty the team's official mouthpiece? Every time I hear a Sox fan say, "Cowboy Up!" I know immediately that they are come-latelies. Any real Sox fan hates Kevin Millar.
4) Optimism- Most of being a Red Sox fan is that strange mix of self-hatred and eternal hope. If you are under the age of 30, part of you has to be rooting against the Sox because you don't think that you've quite earned it yet. The Red Sox nation who did not stand by the team during the Scott Cooper All Star years, are the ones who are jubilant. They do not understand pain, and part of me wishes the worst upon them. A line drive that ricochets off Kevin Millar's face and then carries over the right-field fence would be very nice.
5) the city of Boston- is a fucking hole. The problems people have with Boston are well-documented and I don't have to go into it here.

Lebron and Paul Pierce exchanged heated words last night. Go Bron-Bron.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Things I ate today:

1 bowl of oxtail soup
Sour Patch Kids Fruit
1 Pink Lemonade
some fries
1 In and Out Animal Style Double-Double
wheat toast with peanut butter

Important note: I drank no Coca-Cola today. Diabetes conquered!

If it weren't for a Wakefield 3rd inning meltdown, my World Series picks would be more or less right-on. I have predicted doom and gloom for Games 3, 4 and 5, so we'll see starting tomorrow.

Also, here are the results of my fantasy basketball draft. The player I should have taken is in parenthesis.
Round 1: Kobe Bryant
Round 2: Ben Wallace
Round 3: Allen Iverson (maybe Antoine Walker, but I thought he'd come back.)
Round 4: Steve Nash (I meant to take Jason Kidd here, but whatever...)
Round 5: Chris Bosh (I feel fine about this pick- the only other decent centers around were Camby, who I got with the next pick and 'Sheed, who isn't going to pick up the rebounds and blocks I need)
Round 6: Marcus Camby (maybe Eddy Curry)
Round 7: Tony Parker
Round 8: Glenn Robinson (there are 100 players I should have picked before Big Dog, but most glaringly Steven Jackson)
Round 9: Latrell Sprewell
Round 10: Jalen Rose
Round 11: Doug Christie
Round 12: Vashon Lenard
Round 13: Bonzi Wells (cut immediately, replaced by Tim Thomas)

Looks like another disappointing fantasy season is about to start...

10-23, 10-24

Over the past two days, I have eaten...

1 order of onion rings
4 Rubios fish tacos
1 microwave burrito with overly garlicked guacamole
2 pancakes
rice and pinto beans
Soon Tofu
Junior Mints

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Things I ate today:

wheat toast with peanut butter
carne asada burrito
1/2 basket of chips
3 handfuls of Smart Start antioxidant cereal
1 bratwurst w/ mustard
bowl of tapas mushrooms
a couple sweet potato fries

gambling losses: $30 at the Commerce Casino.

Predictions for the World Series

Game 1- Sox win 6-2 (Wake shuts 'em down)
Game 2- Sox win 4-1 (Schilling goes 7 innings, 1 ER on solo shot by Pujols)
Game 3- Cards win 8-3 (Pedro gives up 3 runs in 6 innings, bullpen blows up)
Game 4- Cards win 10-2 (DLowe's head explodes in the 3rd inning)
Game 5- Cards win 3-2 in extra innings
Game 6- Sox win 9-1 (Schilling pitches CG, gives up another solo bomb to Pujols)
Game 7- I refuse to predict the outcome of this game.

Go Sox. I apologize that I am in Los Angeles for games 1, 2 and 3. Will make it up by coming up to Boston for the weekend of Games 6 and 7.


Things I ate today:

wheat toast with peanut butter
carne asada burrito
1/2 basket of chips
3 handfuls of Smart Start antioxidant cereal
1 bratwurst w/ mustard
bowl of tapas mushrooms
a couple sweet potato fries

gambling losses: $30 at the Commerce Casino.

Predictions for the World Series

Game 1- Sox win 6-2 (Wake shuts 'em down)
Game 2- Sox win 4-1 (Schilling goes 7 innings, 1 ER on solo shot by Pujols)
Game 3- Cards win 8-3 (Pedro gives up 3 runs in 6 innings, bullpen blows up)
Game 4- Cards win 10-2 (DLowe's head explodes in the 3rd inning)
Game 5- Cards win 3-2 in extra innings
Game 6- Sox win 9-1 (Schilling pitches CG, gives up another solo bomb to Pujols)
Game 7- I refuse to predict the outcome of this game.

Go Sox. I apologize that I am in Los Angeles for games 1, 2 and 3. Will make it up by coming up to Boston for the weekend of Games 6 and 7.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Things I ate today

slice of pizza and medium Coca-Cola
packet of animal crackers
cranberry juice
1 Jet Blue Snack Pack (included cheese, crackers and shortbread cookies)
1 Animal Style #1 Double-Double Combo from In-N-Out
1/2 chosun galbi dish
1/2 kimchee cheegae
1/2 packet of Sour Patch Kids
- it seems that the Sour Patch Kids here in Los Angeles are fresher than those found in New York. Or at least the ones sold at the Duane Reade at 111th and Broadway.

Things I would have eaten today, had I more than $188.04


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

can't comment on game 7 yet


Things I ate today

one fried egg
half bagel
2 empanadas
3 cans of Coca-Cola
a plate of tabouleh
about 12 crackers
a bit of the bread bowl that held the tabouleh
2 chili Chexican tacos
1 al carbon Chexican tortilla

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Things I ate today:

half of a $14.99 Game Bucket from KFC, including 6 pieces of Extra Tasty Crispy chicken, 6 honey barbecue wings, a large macaroni, a large cole slaw, 4 biscuits and a 1/2 gallon mega-jug of Orange Slice.
1 bannana
1 bagel w/ cream cheese
2 grape leaves
2 cups of coffee
2 cups of Tetley English Breakfast Tea
1 small bowl of Beef Chili
a handful of smashed Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream potato chips (actually 2 handfuls)

Things I would have eaten today, had I more than $242.01 in my checking account

Large Ranch 1 Fries



The heater in my apartment has started to squeak again. So I brought out my humidifier, which solves two problems at once.
a) the gentle humming drowns out the squeaks and clunks
b) the recirculated water vapor helps to keep my skin supple and moist. I woke up with a nosebleed a couple nights ago. That was when I knew it was humidifier time.

For some reason, I slept for 11 and a half hours on Monday night. The Sox game started at 8 and ended at 1:40. I fell asleep at 2 and woke up the next day at 1:30. Then I went to the library and wrote a terrible scene. But really, it was hard to work because the girl across the table from me- she looked vaguely european- kept glaring at me every time I blew my nose. Why didn't she just get up and go to another table?
At 4:15, I was too antsy about Pedro's start to continue writing, so I decided to go to Ollie's to get some Hot and Sour Soup. But once I got inside, I realized that I didn't feel like spending the $1.50, so I ran home instead and ate a bannana. Bannanas are on sale at D'ag Fresh Market for .59 cents a pound. Which isn't as good of a deal as it sounds. It's like.25 cents a bannana. Then I ate a bagel with Temp-Tee cream cheese, which is better than any other whipped cream cheese out there. Although, Philapdelphia seems to be easier with my lactose-intolerant stomach. Then the game came on and 5 hours and 48 minutes later, I realized that I had either been asleep or watching a Sox game for 24 of the past 27 hours.
I have been using Garnier Fructis shampoo for a while now, but I've found that if you keep a bottle for a while in the shower, and it gets exposed to hot water every day, that it starts to get this rotted smell. Like moldy orange peels. I suppose that this is exciting in a way, because it shows that there is some citrus element in there, but it's also gross. I used to use Herbal Essences Volume! but my hair is much longer than it used to be. Although, given my current financial situation, I think I'll be a White Rain man before too long.

Thursday, October 14, 2004


I have caught a cold- this seems to happen when I get less than six hours of sleep. I get congested around 4 PM, the sore throat kicks in at 6:30 and by 8:30 (it's 8:15 right now) I get a touch of feverish delirium. Last time this happened, I blew my nose into my shirt in the study room at Butler Library. Maybe this time I will take my shoes off and stick them in the drinking fountain.

I think that the Red Sox batters were pressing too hard last night. They knew it was a must-win, they knew that Lieber was hittable and more than anything, they wanted to get a lead for Pedro. The result was that Lieber went into the 7th inning having only thrown 4 pitches.

I also can't stand this meekness on Pedro's account, although I still am considering voting for him for President.
